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Carer pushing care patient on a wheel chair

Supported Living

At Compassionate Care & Support, we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to live life to the fullest, regardless of their unique abilities or challenges. Our Supported Living services are designed to empower individuals to lead independent and fulfilling lives within their communities.

What is Supported Living?

Supported Living is a person-centred approach to care that prioritises individual choice, autonomy, and community integration. It provides the support and assistance needed to help people with diverse abilities live in their own homes.

At Compassionate Care & Support, we are committed to promoting independence, dignity, and self-determination. We work closely with each person we serve to create individual support plans that cater to their specific needs, goals, and preferences.

Care standing in front of Compassionate Care Building

Our Services

Our Supported Living Services provide support with daily living tasks, social engagement, skill development, and more. Whether it's providing help with household chores, facilitating community outings, or offering guidance on life skills, our dedicated team is here to ensure that each person can thrive in their chosen environment. Our team is distinguished by their exceptional training and extensive experience in the field.

Supported Living with Compassionate Care & Support is designed to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives brimming with enthusiasm and ambition. Whether it involves mastering a new life skill, such as cooking, or money management, gaining the confidence to pursue a new hobby, making new friends, or taking that crucial first step towards employment or volunteering. Our mission is to provide unwavering support and encouragement, no matter how big or small the goal may be.

We recognise the vital importance of having the right care and support network by your side. That's why we go to great lengths to thoughtfully match our dedicated support team with each individual. We consider our team's expertise, knowledge, and specialisation, as well as their personality traits, hobbies, and interests, to ensure that nurturing, friendly, and mutually rewarding relationships are cultivated.

Why choose us?

Join us on the journey

Discover the possibilities that Supported Living Services can offer you or your loved one. At Compassionate Care Group, we're here to be your partner on the journey to greater independence, self-sufficiency, and a life filled with opportunities.

Contact us today to learn more about our Supported Living Services and how we can assist you in achieving your goals and aspirations.

Home Care

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Mental Health Stepdown Provision

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Emergency accommodation & Respite

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