

Coping with autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is a unique and personal journey that can vary greatly from person to person. While we can provide some general tips, it's important to remember that what works for one individual may not work for another. It's also important to consult with healthcare professionals and specialists who can provide personalized guidance. Here are some strategies that may help:

Personalised Sensory Toolkit

Creating and maintaining a sensory toolkit or a bag of essential items is a highly effective strategy for individuals with autism, allowing them to better manage the various challenges and sensory sensitivities that they may encounter in their daily lives. This personalized toolkit is like to security blanket, and can help to make situations outside of your control a lot more bearable

What could be included in this sensory toolkit:


Engaging in comprehensive research and truly understanding autism can be incredibly valuable for individuals on the autism spectrum, as well as their families and support networks. This proactive approach allows you to explore autism from various angles, equipping you with knowledge, strategies, and a sense of true understanding of yourself.

Think of it as having two main sources of insight. On one hand, you have trusted, expert resources from organizations and companies that specialize in autism. They're like your textbooks, filled with scientifically validated information, that can provide a strong foundation of knowledge. On the other hand, the digital age has brought us something unique. It's opened up a world of conversation and online communities of people with similar interests and experiences. Social media has become a place where real people share their stories, experiences, and personal strategies for dealing with autism. Personal narratives can be just as valuable as official resources because they offer real, lived experiences and show you that you're not alone in your challenges.

Digital communities can also help you to connect with others who are on similar journeys. It's like forming a supportive circle where you share advice and practical ways to cope. Learning from each other's successes and challenges creates a sense of community and shared wisdom.

Flexible Schedules

Flexible schedules can be a real game-changer for folks with autism. They're like a perfect mix of structure and adaptability. Unlike super strict routines, flexible schedules give you the freedom to switch things up without feeling overwhelmed. You don't have to do the exact same thing at the same time every day. Instead, you can choose when and how to tackle your tasks based on what's happening in your world. It's like having a menu of options, and you get to pick what, when, and how it suits you. This kind of flexibility is a fantastic way to keep things balanced, making life easier and less stressful for individuals with autism.

Social Support

Social support is very important for anyone and has great positives if you are navigating the world as an autistic person. Having a reliable group of friends, family, and people who truly understand and care about you can offer comfort, reduce feelings of isolation, and boost your self-confidence. Your friends and family in this network aren't just there for companionship; they're ready to lend a hand with everyday tasks and provide comfort during challenging moments. Sharing your needs with your friends/family means that they can help to make you feel more comfortable and understand you much better. Ultimately, social support makes you feel like you belong and that you're loved just as you are, which is a tremendous boost to your self-esteem. It's about being part of a supportive group that understands and accepts you.